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Frequently Asked Questions

this page contains some questions which are frequently asked about DKPerms. Before you ask a question in our support, please check this page and make sure that the question is not already answered.


How can I create a default group?

DKPerms handles default groups in its meta. You can set a group as default on the whole network or on a specified server.

If you set the meta default to true of a group, all players will automatically gets all permissions of the group, but the group is not directly assigned to the player. If you want set a group to each player when he joined the server, you can set the meta ``defaultAssigntotrue```, so every new player automatically receives this group.


/perms group <group> meta set default true

/perms group <group> meta set defaultAsign true

/perms group <group> meta set default true world=world-1 In this case the group is only default on world-1

How can I use the Tablist and Chat?

The Tablist/Chat is provided by McNative and must be enabled in the McNative configuration plugins/McNative/config.yml. DKPerms will then provide all colors and information to McNative.

Why do I not have permissions on BungeeCord?

DKPerms must be installed on all servers and your proxy (BungeeCord). In order that DKPerms can correctly synchronize the permission, make sure that DKPerms is connected to the same database on all servers and bungeecord is set to true in the spigot.yml.

Why do I not have permissions on Spigot?

DKPerms must be installed on all servers and your proxy (BungeeCord). In order that DKPerms can correctly synchronize the permission, make sure that DKPerms is connected to the same database on all servers and bungeecord is set to true in the spigot.yml.

Last update: 2021-04-10