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Storage setup

DKCoins uses the McNative storage technology and supports all storage types supported by McNative. McNative storage technology is centralized storage integration for all supported plugins, it brings various performance and time benefits. Read more about it here

Location: ./plugins/McNative/storage.yml

The configuration consists of two parts, the drivers that connect to the database server which are shared between the plugins, and the database part, where you can configure the database for each plugin.

Driver settings

You can use the same driver for multiple plugins, see all supported types and configuration options in the McNative documentation. Only one sql setup is covered on this page.

McNative driver docs

  • mysql The internal name of the driver (Used below in the database driverName setting)
  • address The address of your database server
  • username The username to authenticate
  • password The password to authenticate
  • driver The used driver (See all available drivers in the McNative docs)
  • name The internal driver name (Used for logging and separation)
  • dialectName The sql dialect (Supported: MySQL, MariaDB, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL)
  • useSSL The above configured driver to use


    address: ''
    username: 'mcnative'
    password: '1234'
    driver: 'net.pretronic.databasequery.sql.driver.SQLDatabaseDriver'
    name: 'MySQL'
    dialectName: 'MySQL'
    useSSL: false

Database settings

After the driver configuration, you have to set up a database for DKCoins in the databases section.

  • pluginName The plugin name, use DKCoins
  • name The internal database name, use default
  • database The name of your database (e.g. DKCoins)
  • driverName The above configured driver to use


  - pluginName: 'DKCoins'
    name: 'default'
    database: 'DKCoins'
    driverName: 'default'

Database settings

A complete configuration may look something like this (Only DKCoins):

    address: ''
    username: 'mcnative'
    password: '1234'
    driver: 'net.pretronic.databasequery.sql.driver.SQLDatabaseDriver'
    name: 'MySQL'
    dialectName: 'MySQL'
    useSSL: false
  - pluginName: 'DKCoins'
    name: 'default'
    database: 'DKCoins'
    driverName: 'mysql'

Last update: 2021-07-18