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Maintenance Commands

This page describes the usage and permissions of the Maintenance commands.

Important things to remember:

  • Required arguments are declared with <example>
  • Optional arguments are declared with [example]


/maintenance active

Permission: dkmotd.command.maintenance

This command toggles the active of maintenance.

/maintenance info

Permission: dkmotd.command.maintenance

This command shows maintenance information, like if it's active or the reason.

/maintenance timeout <timeout>

Permission: dkmotd.command.maintenance

This command sets the timeout of the maintenance to <timeout>.

/maintenance reason <reason>

Permission: dkmotd.command.maintenance

This command sets the reason of the maintenance to <reason>.

/maintenance duration <duration>

Permission: dkmotd.command.maintenance

This command sets the duration of the maintenance to <duration>.

Last update: 2021-08-10