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Motd supported versions Commands

This page describes the usage and permissions of the Motd commands. The motd command always starts with /motd <name> supportedVersions, while <name> is the name of the motd template.

Important things to remember:

  • Required arguments are declared with <example>
  • Optional arguments are declared with [example]


/motd <name> supportedVersions add <version>

Permission: dkmotd.command.motd

  • <name> the name of motd template
  • <version> the new version to be added

This command adds a new supported version.

/motd <name> supportedVersions remove <version>

Permission: dkmotd.command.motd

  • <name> the name of motd template
  • <version> the version to remove

This command removes the supported <version>.

/motd <name> supportedVersions set <version>

Permission: dkmotd.command.motd

  • <name> the name of motd template
  • <version> the supported version to set

This command sets the supported version of the supported versions and removes all other supported versions.

/motd <name> supportedVersions modify <index> <version>

Permission: dkmotd.command.motd

  • <name> the name of motd template
  • <index> the index to modify
  • <version> the supported version

This command modifies the supported versions of the <index> to <version>.

/motd <name> supportedVersions clear

Permission: dkmotd.command.motd

  • <name> the name of motd template

This command clears the supported versions of the motd template.

Last update: 2021-08-10