User Bank Commands¶
This page describes the usage and permissions of the User Bank commands. The bank command always
starts with the configured currency in config /<currency>
Important things to remember:
- Required arguments are declared with
- Optional arguments are declared with
1: The currency name for this command. The currency must exist.
2: The required permission to execute this command and interact with yourself.
3: The required permission to execute this command and see other coins.
4: The configured command names. The first command in the array is the main name of the command and all other configured commands are managed as aliases.
5: The worlds, where the command should not work. This is only available on service level (Bukkit, Spigot, etc.)
Permission: Configured permission permission
For more information
This is the base command for the user bank command. This commands shows your balance for the configured currency.
/<command> <target>
Permission: Configured permission otherPermission
For more information
* target
the target name of a player
This command shows the balance of target
for the configured currency.
/<command> transfer <receiver> <amount>
Permission: Configured permission otherPermission
For more information
* <receiver>
The receiver bank
* <amount>
The amount to be transferred
This command transfer money from your bank to target
bank in the configured currency.
/<command> top [page]
Permission: Configured permission otherPermission
For more information
* [page]
The limit of users to display (Default: 1)
This command shows the top bank accounts for the configured currency. The entries per
page are defined in the dkcoins config in the section`