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Player Commands

This page describes the usage and permissions of the DKBans player commands.

Important things to remember:

  • Required arguments are declared with <example>
  • Optional arguments are declared with [example]


/playerInfo <player>

Alias: pinfo
Permission: dkbans.command.playerInfo
Arguments: * <player> The name of the player

This command gives you an exact overview about a player. (ip, uuid, id, usw.)

/playerSessions <player>

Alias: ccheat, cc
Permission: dkbans.command.playerSessions
Arguments: * <player> The name of the player

Get exact information when the player was online.

/onlineTime [player]

Permission: dkbans.command.onlinetime
Arguments: * <player> The name of the player

Shows the online time of the player.

/jumpto <player>

Alias: goto
Permission: dkbans.command.jumpto
Arguments: * <player> The name of the player

Jump to a player on another server.

/ping [player]

Alias: goto
Permission: * * (Allows to show the ping of other players) Arguments: * [player] The name of the player

Get the ping of a player.

/playerNotes <player> [list]

Permission: dkbans.command.playerNotes
Arguments: * <player> The name of the player

List all internal notes of a player.

/playerNotes <player> add <message>

Permission: dkbans.command.playerNotes
Arguments: * <player> The name of the player * <message> The message to add

Add a message to a player.

/playerNotes <player> clear

Permission: dkbans.command.playerNotes
Arguments: * <player> The name of the player

Clear all notes of a player.

Last update: 2021-05-14