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Broadcast Commands

This page describes the usage and permissions of the DKBans broadcast commands.

Important things to remember:

  • Required arguments are declared with <example>
  • Optional arguments are declared with [example]


/broadcast <name> create <visibility> <text>

Permission: dkbans.command.broadcast
Arguments: * <name> The name of the broadcast * <visibility> Display of the broadcast * text The text to broadcast

This command creates a new broadcast with the given arguments.

Visibility: * chat * actionbar * bossbar * title

/broadcast <name> delete

Permission: dkbans.command.broadcast
Arguments: * <name> The name of the broadcast

This command deletes the broadcast with the given name.

/broadcast <name> direct

Permission: dkbans.command.broadcast
Arguments: * <name> The name of the broadcast

This command broadcast the given broadcast directly to all players.

Last update: 2021-04-22