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Punishment templates

DKBans V5 brings a completely redesigned punishment template system with more possibilities and flexibility to your server or network. With the new template architecture you can create innovative punishment procedures with calculation algorithms, different types of punishments and more.


The template system consists of two parts, the template group and the template. A template group is a list of related templates. And a template contains the exact punishment information and belongs to a template group.

Template Group
A template group is usually bound to a command (.e.g. ./ban, ./cityBuildBan or ./warn), and contains related templates. You are very flexible and can create as many template groups as you need.

A template (e.g. hacking, advertising, provocation) contains exact information about the punishment, how he will be punished (ban, mute, warning etc.), how long the player will be punished and all other information.

Punishment type

DKBans offers four known punishment types, more can be added with extensions.

BAN => The player is no longer able to join your server.
MUTE => The player is no longer able to use the chat and LabyMod voice chat.
KICK => The player will be kicked from the server.
WARN => A simple warning message is sent to the player.

Punishment calculation

DKBans contains two different algorithms for calculating the best punishments for your bad players.

AMOUNT calculation
DKBans points system is an intelligent algorithm for calculating the best type and duration based on the unique player history. Each punishment adds a certain amount of points to the player's history, which is used to calculate the next punishment. You are also able to define divider and multiplier to get more accurate and better punishments for different reasons and templates.

History types

Another powerful technology of DKBans is the unique history system that allows you to create separate calculation units for amounts and points. For example, you can separate network and chat penalties into different histories, or even create a separate history for a server (e.g. CityBuild).

Configure a template group

A template group corresponds to a file in the ./plugins/DKBans/templates folder. There are already three default groups (ban, report and unban). If you need another group, e.g. for warnings or to create server punishments, simply create a new file. The file must contain the following header information:

  • type DKBans differentiates between three core template types: PUNISHMENT, UNPUNISH and REPORT.
  • calculation The calculation type to use, AMOUNT or POINTS (see above fill explanation)
  • name The name of this template group, should be similar to the file name
  • templates All templates of this group, see below.


calculation: AMOUNT
name: ban

If you want to use this template group in combination with a command, you need to configure it in the punishment template section (line 190) in the commands.yml.

Add this section with the name of the command and template group to your commands.yml:

  enabled: true
  name: 'ban'
  permission: 'dkbans.ban'
  aliases: ['mute']

Configure a template

Each template group contains one to infinite number of templates. The template format looks different for the three template types.


Required template group type: PUNISHMENT (see above)

  • <id> The internal id of your template (use only number values)
    • name The unique name of this template
    • display The display name in the ban screen
    • permission The required permission to use this template
    • aliases Alternative names to use in commands
    • hidden If True, the template will not be displayed in commands
    • historyType The name of the history type to use for this template (See above for more information)
    • messageKey An optional paramter for per reason punishment messages/screens (The name of the message key)
    • <amount/points> The amount of punishments or points (depending on the selected calculation)
      • type The punishment type (See above for more information)
      • duration The duration of the punishment (not all punishment types have a duration)
  • points Additional configuration for points (only in POINTS calculation)
    • addedPoints Points to add to the history for this punishment
    • pointsDivider The divider to use before the duration calculation


    name: Hacking
    display: Hacking
    permission: dkbans.ban.reason.hacking
      - hacks
      - hacker
    hidden: false
    historyType: NETWORK
    category: Bans
    messageKey: test
        type: BAN
        duration: 30d
        type: BAN
        duration: 90d
        type: BAN
        duration: -1
      addedPoints: 7
      pointsDivider: 1.0


Required template group type: REPORT (see above)

  • <id> The internal id of your template (use only number values)
    • name The unique name of this template
    • display The display name in the ban screen
    • permission The required permission to use this template
    • watchPermission The required permission to take and watch this report
    • aliases Alternative names to use in commands
    • hidden If True, the template will not be displayed in commands
    • targetPunishment The target punishment when a report gets accepted (Format: @)


    name: Hacking
    display: Hacking
      - hacking
    hidden: false
    targetPunishment: ban@Hacking


Required template group type: UNPUNISHMENT (see above)

Work in progress


After you have configured the templates, you need to import them into your database using the following command:

./dkbans template import

Last update: 2021-04-24